Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Eucharistic Ministers)
Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are fully initiated Catholics commissioned to serve the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly at Mass.
Saturday, 4:30 PM Mass …………………………………………………. Cuc Crystal Ngueyn (805) 751-8988, cuccrystal.nguyen@gmail.com
Sunday, 6:30 AM and 9:30 AM Masses ……………………………..Theresa Nguyen (408) 225-8700, theresan063@gmail.com
Sunday, 11:00 AM Mass …………………………………………………. Mario Chow (408) 599-5882, marchow@yahoo.com
Gloria Butor (408) 833-8891, gloriabutor@att.net
Sunday, 5:30 PM Mass ………………………………………………….. Elizabeth Cisneros (408) 981-3291, lcisneros@smglifeteen.net
Saturday, 7:30 PM Mass ……………………………………………….. Rosa Zepeda (408) 307-7186
Sunday, 12:30 PM Mass ……………………………………………….. Ignacio Rojo (408) 597-5870, ignacio.rojo39@gmail.com
Mario Ledesma (408) 799-0385, ledesma_1877@yahoo.com
Sunday, 7:30 PM Mass ………………………………………………… Celina Ornelas
Father Anthony Nguyen (408) 806-4200, anguyen@smgsj.org