Administrative Ministries

Finance Council:

The council works closely with our Pastor to advise him in the management of the parish’s financial resources.

Parish Council:

This council works with the Pastor and parish staff to discern the needs of the parish. It coordinates five working commissions. These commissions are the Community Life Commission, the Faith Formation Commission, the Worship Commission, the Outreach Commission and the Administration Commission.

Community Life Commission:

Links together all parish organizations to build a deeper sense of Christian community. It sponsors Spirit-filled activities that help promote friendship and goodwill among parishioners.

Faith Formation Commission:

Coordinates all levels of educational programming in the parish, children through adults, Catholic and public school children alike. It fosters cooperation, coordination and communication among groups involved in the formation ministries of the parish.

Worship Commission:

Coordinates the liturgical life of the parish and promotes the spiritual growth of parishioners by providing opportunities for personal and communal prayer besides the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

Outreach Commission:

Coordinates the ministries of pastoral care, social services, social justice and evangelization. It includes outreach to both the parish members and the larger community, in the neighborhood and beyond.

Administrative Commission:

Coordinates the temporal affairs of the parish, how money is acquired and spent, how the grounds are maintained and how parishioners are informed of what is happening in the parish.