
Lectors are fully initiated Catholics commissioned to be ministers of the Word of God at Mass and other services. They possess a deep love for Sacred Scripture, a reverence for the assembly of believers, and a clear voice necessary for proclaiming God’s Word and leading the assembly in the Prayer of the Faithful.

Saturday, Sunday Masses ………………………………………………. Warner Ruffner (408) 226-1939, warnerruffner@hotmail.com
Sunday, 5:30 PM Mass …………………………………………………… Ricky Ferrer (408) 550-3028, rferrer@smglifeteen.net 

Saturday, 7:30 PM Mass ………………………………………………… Maria de Jesus Lopez (408) 391-8936, mjesusito@aol.com
Sunday, 12:30 PM Mass ………………………………………………… Ramona Gallegos (408) 472-0640, gallegosramona@gmail.com
Lidia Alvarado (408) 849-2396, lidiaretana@hotmail.com
Sunday, 7:30 PM Mass ………………………………………………….. Oliver Tapia (408) 644-5437, staccabrown@gmail.com

Rev. Anthony Nguyen (408) 806-4200, anguyen@smgsj.org